Gina Gardiner Associates

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"Providing a Leading-Edge Training Hub with Next Level Solutions For Demonstrating Limitless Potential in New Definition Leadership"
Coaching, Mentoring and Developing Leaders

GGA Training offers a unique suite of training options designed to help industry leaders, businesses, organizations and more to:

  • Make the most of your resources
  • Reach performance goals
  • Accelerate, maximise and maintain your success
We offer a wide array of virtual training formats including : intensives, masterminds, retreats, webinars, seminars and more to help you find great solutions, to reach your performance goals and achieve lasting success in today's economy.

To browse our training hub, select the tabs below:
Follow these links to engage with my workshops, seminars and masterclasses
Harnessing Your Potential as an Empath
Harnessing Your Potential as a Leader
Productive & Profitable Business Enhancement
Leading Without Limits
There is Only One You - Make the Most of Yourself
Leadership for Life
Communications Skills Mastery
Publication Based Trainings
Free Training Resources
Leadership & Life Management Seminars
B1G1: Business for Good
What My Clients Say
"Since meeting Gina just over 2 years ago, I have come to realise what an important resource a life and executive coach is to a serial workaholic, which I have been for many years.

Gina has been at my side (metaphorically) throughout the last 2 and a half years as my life and executive coach and our relationship and her support has led to numerous life-changing experiences that, without Gina, I don't believe would have been possible.

Although I am considered to be a successful (some say high-flying) grown-up (I'm 36) and happily married, I have come to realize there are certain areas of my life that need a little (ok, maybe a lot) of attention. Relationships in my life, both personal and professional, have been challenging at times and Gina has worked with me to discover new and successful ways of approaching these challenges. Together we have identified potential new ways to behave and communicate with my team and my boss at work as well as with my parents and my husband.

Gina has been the enabler in helping me release more of my personal potential and she has taught me how to prepare for the future. In looking at the potential future in different ways, I have been able to identify new opportunities for personal and professional growth and I have had the most incredible journey.

Gina has been there at the moments in my life when I've needed the voice of reason and rational thought. She has shown me ways of dealing with life's roller-coasters by employing new strategies and new behaviours. I have developed courage and strengthened my self-confidence because of her support and guidance. She never tells me anything, she merely asks me searching questions which seem to push the right buttons and elicit responses which develop new strategies.
Leanne, Barclays Bank, Canary wharf
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Limitless Leadership VIP Retreat | Seminars Led by Gina | B1G1: Get Involved | Leader Option 2 - 2 Day Intensive | Leader Option 1 - 1 Day Retreat | Enlightened Leadership Programme | Leadership for Life Option 2 - 2 Day Intensive | Leadership for Life Option 1 - 1 Day Retreat | Limitless Leadership Unlock Your Success Vault | Strategic Development of Your Business | Empath Option 2 - 2 Day Intensive | Empath Option 1 - 1 Day Retreat | Harnessing Your Potential as a Leader | Harnessing Your Potential as an Empath | Productive & Profitable Business Enhancement | Seminar Guest Leaders | Nurture the Treasure Which is Your Team | Leading Without Limits | Thriving Not Surviving | There is Only One You - Make the Most of Yourself | Leadership for Life | Communications Skills Mastery | Relationship Bridge | Publication Based Trainings | Books | Personal Empowerment Plan | Are You an Empath? | Empaths in Business | Enlightened Leadership VIP Intensive | Articles | Are You an Empath? | Free Training Resources | Enlightened Leadership Blueprint | Leadership & Life Management Seminars | Being Assertive | Building Your Dream Team | The Five Ps of Profitability | Profits from the Heart | Continuing Professional Development Activity | B1G1: Business for Good | Home | Masterminding | Genuinely You Series | Speaking | Coaching/Mentoring | About Our People | Products & Publications | Quick Introductions | Video Testimonials | Testimonials | Links | Podcasts | Contact | Data Protection© Content copyright Gina Gardiner Associates 2024    Sitemap   Layout and CMS ©The Village Websmith  contact websmith Page generated in 0.0281 seconds.