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Many business owners are so busy working 'in' their business they fail to work 'on' their business. They end up being so busy that they are constantly reacting to situations. The constant 'firefighting' leaves them exhausted, overwhelmed and in danger of making decisions which, at best, create short term solutions. These lead very quickly to another fire, or become incredibly costly in terms of time, energy, money and stress. This affects, you, your staff and your business.

There is a solution!

Implementing the principles of Profitable, Enlightened Leadership which facilitates the successful, strategic development of your business.

The strategies are tried and tested and the results are proven. I am able to draw upon my 30 years' experience of helping organisations achieve sustained success to help you lead your business strategically and attain ongoing success too.

Themes include:
  • Owning Your Why
  • Core Values
  • Strategic Planning
  • Making The Most Of Your Resources
  • The 10 Rules of Business Success
The VIP Day is a 4-4½-hour virtual experience

When both days are purchased together:

2x 4-4½-hour virtual experience (with breaks)
Price $1997. Book or enquire now
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