Gina Gardiner Associates - Testimonials

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"Before contacting Gina I was lacking direction & belief in myself. I never thought I'd come out of the other side so quickly. I am very thankful that I have Gina in my life. It was through working with her that I turned mine and my sons life around and have been living my life again from a place of strength, I've learnt to value myself again and it has helped me to discover who I am and what I want for me and my family.

I have learned so much from her and feel that she has inspired me to develop into who I was created to be. I thank God for her amazing talent in helping me tremendously and for that I am forever thankful.

Gina has had much valuable input into my life. I have learned so much from her and she has inspired me to develop into who I was created to be.

I thank God that Gina came into my life and made great things happen , I've made some pretty big changes! And, I'm feeling MUCH more confident and centered, how can you put a value on that? My family, friends and colleagues have noticed big changes in me. My life has turned completely around.

I thought it would take six months, maybe a year or even more and was surprised when Gina suggested I booked 10 sessions and she would refund me for any sessions that I did not use. After the first session I knew if anyone could use their magic on me it would be Gina, it was a magnificent start. She supported and encouraged me through her highly accurate listening and feedback skills. I found the sessions exciting, motivational and worth every penny.

I am on my way to a happier and healthier future, I highly recommend Gina to anyone ready to make some big changes, her insight and direction is so valuable - and you cannot help catching her enthusiasm for life."

Jolly Dat
"Changing Lifecourse Training & Coaching

Gina is a very engaging speaker who communicates with passion, commitment and from the heart. The subject matter was extremely interesting and I would have loved to listen to her speak for much longer. I'm leaving the session feeling very positive and with several good ideas to put into action. Thank you!!!"

Clare Cracknell - Career Serve Co-Operative Ltd Colchester
"I would like tae this opportunity to thank you for the assistance that you have provided me with in recent months.

Through your coaching sessions you have helped me to not only maintain but strengthen my focus and resolve on both a professional and personal level. As you know, the year 2008 holds many exciting challenges for me and you have helped me to view those forthcoming challenges with a fresh perspective; the net result of this has been greater efficiency and a sense of no task is beyond me,

I look forward to continuing to work with you as I believe that we have only 'scratched the surface' in terms of potential. I would strongly recommend that anyone with ambitions for the New Year, bid or small consult you for some coaching as the benefits are huge.

Gavin Perret, Quantum Mortgages, Regent Street. London
"17) Very engaging with good use of straight forward illustrative techniques and stories which work in a pragmatic and proactive way. Clear concise style that was easy to follow and maintained interest throughout. "

Recruitrer - Essex
"Wow! What a thoroughly inspirational, awesome and motivational speaker!! Thank you"

A knightly - LA Enfield
"Gina was very inspirational. Her positive attitude has given me lots to think about. Thank you!!"

Helen Person De Bohun Enfield
"A great talk with many ideas which I can take back into the work place and use in so many situations"

Louise Whitcham, St Andrews School, Southgate
"My name is Esther Greene and I'm currently studying French and Spanish at the University of Southampton. Gina has been a huge help to me this year. Her sessions have really helped me understand how to make sense of emotions and situations as well as how to take control in my life. I would thoroughly recommend her as a life-coach! "

Esther Greene
"Gina delivered an insightful session to our members on having the right mindset to grow a sustainable business. She skillfully highlighted the importance of having the right mindset in today's ever-changing business landscape, with key takeaways to action immediately. I highly recommend Gina as a speaker for any organisation/event seeking inspiration and guidance on fostering positive mindsets."

Kirstie Walker, Marketing Executive, Continuing Professional Development Standards Office
"Gina Gardiner had been highly recommended by one of my clients. She had found the sessions with her most helpful.

I had arrived at a point in my life where I thought 'Is this it?', I felt sure there must be more to life than just 'this'.

I was working phenomenally long hours and having very little social life and could certainly not face another 15 - 20 years more of the same. Also my life had been full of difficulties and upsets so I found I had become somewhat disillusioned with life.

That was till Gina came along. She has helped me turn my life around. I no longer work ridiculously long hours. I am no longer a slave to the job. I am so busy gallivanting with a wonderful new social life, meeting lots of new friends and discovering a whole new world out there I did not know existed. I have even taken the brave step of a new business venture and have secured my first property for rental.

What Gina helped me achieve is realizing I have options. She has shown me that the future can be rosy and achievable, and I can have a wonderful life NOW.

I have recommended her to a number of friends and clients who want the most out of life because they can all see the difference in me and want to break out of their own rut.

From a very, very grateful client."

T Hallet, Billericay
"I found Gina's talk refreshing and a joy to listen to. I would recommend her thoroughly to inspire and motivate any group of leaders! "

Ralph Silverman Honilands
"Just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I enjoyed your Learning at Work session today. I can't believe how much I learnt in such a short space of time and how much I enjoyed it. Thank you also for the pack which is full of useful material. I have come away inspired and determined to put it all into practice.
M Essex University

Gina Gardiner has been one of the key trainers/tutors on the Skills For You Project organised by CEM UK since May 2009.

This project is a 12 week soft skills employability training programme for the unemployed in the London Borough of Newham, to help them get back to work.

Gina's sessions are very practical, full of activities but with much fun as well, in a very relaxed and cordial atmosphere.

Gina has a very unique way of delivering her stuff and would leave you with much 'food for thought'. She would empower you with the skills not only for the job market but also for life in general. Gina would always do and go beyond that which expected of her. Gina's hand outs are precious and valuable materials you can always refer to.

As a result of Gina's training, a lot of our participants have gained their self worth and self confidence back, and most of them are doing well in their various places of work.

I have been greatly impressed by Gina's input into our project and she would continue to be one of our main trainers as long as we run this project."

"4) Gina was very inspirational. Her positive attitude has given me lots to think about. Thank you!! "

Helen Person De Bohun
"7) Very informative and indeed inspiring. It really helped me re-focus my role as a leader. Thank you! "

Maria Kemal
"Essex Coalition of Disabled People - Train the Trainer, March 2010

We asked Gina Gardiner to deliver a training session to increase learner confidence as part of our Disability Equality Train the Trainer course. Summarizing her in-depth knowledge into a one day session was no mean feat, but through working together and identifying key aims Gina developed a concise course supported by useful handouts.

By exploring people management techniques and ways in which self-esteem can be developed, participants completed the day feeling increasingly positive about their training abilities, 'the module instilled confidence and actually reinforced my belief that, with application, I can become a good trainer'.

We were really pleased with the results of the session and we would definitely commission Gina again."

Clare Emmins, Train the Trainer Coordinator
"Sent to Yvonne after Women In Business Initial Workshop

Dear Madam, I wish to report a missing woman & I hold your organisation responsible. The present Mrs Armstrong was last seen on Wednesday 11th February PM at an event hosted by your good selves!

She has been replaced by a woman, nah, a wonder woman, calling herself Jennifer, who is extremely bossy, making me produce a 'business plan' for myself and setting out specific targets and goals for us both to achieve!

Indeed when I mentioned that my socks had not been ironed properly (I insist on them being ironed both sides) I was informed that 'If I did not like it, I could do them myself!'. This has had an unnerving effect on my work, making my clients notice that I appear to be more organised and efficient.

Jennifer, (for that is what I must call her now) says that she will also attend further events, without me!

I am outraged that this is a blatant waste of tax payers money and will upset the ole MCP viewpoint, next, she will be telling me to get my own dinner."

A.E. Armstrong, Major
"Well done on your article '10 steps' !! Your articles are always a breath of fresh air.

You showed me the key
  • Now I am free from self criticism, guilt and blame
  • I am free to discover, explore and be daring
  • To dis-reguard the protective suit I've been wearing
  • I am free to know truth and let go of a past which was uncaring
  • To dance and sing and enjoy this life which is for living
  • Once found this key can never be mislaid
  • This prized possession released me from shame
  • Unlocking the door giving access to the ZONE
  • The special place I can visit you which is HOME
  • I am free
  • To truly be who I want to be
  • To be ME

Anne, Hornchurch
"13)She gave a whole new meaning to the expression 'playing to our strengths' and not allowing our perceived limitations to restrict us. What makes it more special is that it all stems from Gina's own journey and challenges which gave the talk real integrity. It was great to listen to examples of how one can turn problems into stepping stones. "

Entrepreneur - Essex
"I was totally engaged throughout Gina's presentation. She not only gave out key messages for success in our work life but in our personal lives in general!"

Pat Wood, Eversley Enfield
"When Gina takes to the stage you cannot help but listen. She really has extensive experience on how to develop a successful business mindset, blending the real world with personal stories that engage and illustrate a wide range of ideas and advice. Her engaging conversational style makes for a quality presentation on a subject of which business leaders should take notice."

Barnaby Wynter, CEO The Brand Bucket
"I saw Alex last night at the HCCI Exec Board meeting.
He said that for years he has been trying to get Jenny to do something for herself or accompany him to events but he couldn't convince her.

In the short time that has taken place since the workshop, jenny is asking to go along to different things. he said that on Tuesday they went to a HCCI event and he said he was really proud watching her take part.
Quite honestly, I think we have a star in the making.

Well done you!"

"Gina's workshops on preparing young people for employment have given our students a thorough insight into the whole employment process from the perspective of an employer. What made the sessions so useful was the way in which Gina shared her experience of being on a number of interview panels as well as her research into recruitment at other organisations. Our Sixth Formers are now much better equipped not only to secure the all important first interview, but also to ensure that they make the most of their induction period in order to achieve promotion."

Michelle Sonahan, Deputy Head, Robert Clack School
"9) I was totally engaged throughout Gina's presentation. She not only gave out key messages for success in our work life but in our personal lives in general! "

Pat Wood
"Great teachers don't teach, they help you to learn. That is very much Gina's modus operandi. Some of the most important realisations in my business life have sprung from conversations with Gina. The difference, I suspect, is that she knew I would reach those inescapable conclusions, while I didn't until they dropped into place. I can never thank her enough."

One man business, South Wales
"When I took over a new team I wanted to create a shared vision within an improved team environment and make better use of the team's time. Gina devised and facilitated a super 4 hour workshop which she delivered at my office in Canary Wharf. I met with her before the meeting and was able to explore not only the areas I felt were blocking progress and the potential issues facing the team. I found the discussion extremely useful in developing my role as the leader of the team and in planning the strategies to use with the team.

We worked as a team throughout the session. Everyone was successfully encouraged to take ownership of the issues and see themselves as part of the solution.

During the session we identified several things which were getting in the way of optimum team efficiency and which constantly drained our resources. Gina ensured that everyone had a voice and that there was a real sense of 'team'. Everyone felt valued and even the tricky issues were fully aired and dealt with in a positive and constructive way.

We developed, together as a cohesive unit, strategies and approaches that we were all willing and keen to adopt to improve our efficiency and effectiveness. The session was very practical but fun too. People were fully engaged in the process

All our thoughts and ideas were recorded in a very well executed, team-building environment. We left the session with priorities identified and a cohesive plan to move the agenda forward for ourselves and with other departments and with the Senior Management Team of the company.

Back at the desk, the team felt they had been offered a great opportunity to air their frustrations and share their ideas. They had been empowered to find their own solutions and resources that could be easily employed to produce better results.

The results of the session were lasting and far reaching. We had together created a way of making far better use of our individual and team time and manage the expectations of other departments.

It was a really worthwhile session which I recommend Gina to any manager who wants to build the department's sense of team or more efficient and effective use of the team's time.

A Mills, World Wealth Banking Executive, London & Hong Kong
"5) A great talk with many ideas which I can take back into the work place and use in so many situations "

Louise Whitcham
"Gina was an inspiration, her talk thought provoking. It was great to have some useful strategies to take into the real world."

Michelle Motley - Enfield
"Hello, my name is Sue Lilley and I am a retired school teacher. After suffering a devastating personal problem, I contacted Gina.

We have been talking on the telephone every week for just over a year now and during that time Gina has given me the tools and strategies that I have needed in order to make lasting, positive changes in my life. She has shown me that I have the ability to deal with my own problems and become a more confident person.

Gina is a remarkable lady, she is kind, loving and truly supportive and I have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who wants to change their life for the better. "

Sue Lilly
"I would highly recommend Gina. Her life story itself is inspirational, but her eloquence and delivery further engaged everyone. There was so much to consider after her presentation as an individual about our personal empowerment. I could relate to every aspect and felt really motivated to pass on those crucial messages to my staff and ensure that they in turn motivate our children to believe in themselves and be 'winners!' An excellent session, thank you.
Annie Gaudencis Freezywater St George's School Enfield
Very informative and indeed inspiring. It really helped me re-focus my role as a leader. Thank you!"

Maria Kemal, Highfield Primary School
"11) WOW!!! Gina is an amazing story teller and my kind of gal. Her talk and the way she presents it makes so much sense. We are all changed as a result of listening to her. Thank you!!! "

Tracy Shave
"6) I would highly recommend Gina. Her life story itself is inspirational, but her eloquence and delivery further engaged everyone. There was so much to consider after her presentation as an individual about our personal empowerment. I could relate to every aspect and felt really motivated to pass on those crucial messages to my staff and ensure that they in turn motivate others to believe in themselves and be 'winners!' An excellent session, thank you. "

Annie Gaudencis
"10) Very informative and indeed inspiring. It really helped me re-focus my role as a leader. Thank you! "

Team leader - Essex
"On behalf of all our team of parent support advisers, we would like to thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to attend our area meeting and also for the inspirational and uplifting speech and presentation.

Thanks for being a wonderful, amazing woman and special person, and your generosity in sharing your gift of knowledge with people from all walks of life. Keep up the good work!"

"Hi, my name is David Liddle. I am a mortgage broker. I've worked with Gina in a business consultancy capacity. I find it to be approachable easy to get on with a challenging and direct where appropriate and hugely supportive and I would definitely advise initial conversation with Gina."

David Liddle
"This is to thank you for the help that working with you has already given me. Over the thirty years or so I have spent in sales and sales management I have been exposed to every kind of measurement, evaluation, Psychometric testing, picking, prodding and being held up to the light. In all those years I have come to realise that nobody ever really listened.

Since we began to work together you have helped and guided me towards a plan that I am sure will help me achieve the elusive goal of achieving more by doing less. Your focus on the big picture is such a refreshing change from the task-oriented attitudes to which I have been exposed to in the past.

By helping me to analyse my situation, goals and aspirations, then put them into a rational plan with clearly achievable stages, you have helped me to realise that all those goals are attainable. I look forward to proving you right and to working with you in the long term.

I will certainly be recommending you to everyone I know."

Neil Hesman, Director, Brentwood, Essex
"3) Gina was an inspiration, her talk thought provoking. It was great to have some useful strategies to take into the real world. "

Michelle Motley
"Hello, my name is Colleen. I'm a senior HR professional and experienced organizational development consultant. And I've known Gina Gardner for several years now and found her to be an excellent support and coach and each coaching session with Gina proved very insightful and very powerful and the most recent helped me recognize the lifestyle changes that I needed to make.

For myself and I made a career move and lifestyle moved to a different part of the country and it proved hugely successful, which I'm still reaping the benefits from so I'll be eternally grateful to Gina and if I need coaching in the future, I wouldn't hesitate and in fact, I'm trying to persuade someone close to me at the moment to take up that offer because I think they would benefit hugely."

"Very engaging with good use of straight forward illustrative techniques and stories which work in a pragmatic and proactive way. Clear concise style that was easy to follow and maintained interest throughout."

David Cohen, DMC Consulting Ltd., Colchester
"2) Wow! What a thoroughly inspirational, awesome and motivational speaker!! Thank you "

A knightly - LA Enfield
"Gina is a fabulous coach, I came to her because, I knew I wanted a change, but just wasn't how to become clear about it. She helped me to become very clear about how to articulate what I wanted, so that I could translate my idea in such a way that I could begin making some hard cash. I am very grateful for her expertise. Coaches come a dime a dozen, but this type of really good coach is very rare. I would thoroughly recommend Gina for the fastest route to success."

K Laryea, West London
"I found Gina's talk refereshing and a joy to listen to. I would recommend her thoroughly to inspire and motivate any group of leaders!"

Ralph Silverman Honilands Enfield
"Gina has the ability to engage the audience in a warm and interesting way. As a published author she has an deep rich introspection on life, education and a way of sharing her knowledge to offer practical, honest approaches and solutions that are always useful.

She creates a safe space to offer thoughtful and provoking conversations that help the audience move forward and move away from stuckness.

Gina brings added value by the offering of practical solutions through her work to inspire creatively and, different dynamic ways of thinking for the audience that can be translated directly into doing."

Louise Richardson,(CEO ABSAFE)

"Having reached the point at which I felt I was in danger of letting work completely dominate my life, working with Gina has helped me put work and all its pressures back into a more sensible perspective. I am now organizing myself and my time (work and personal) in a calmer, more rational manner.

Thank you Gina"

Mike P, Chief Executive
"At the end of 2007, I was fortunate enough to meet a lady who has guided me through my fears and uncertainties. Previously when I thought about 'the future' it was a scary prospect and somewhere I didn't want to think about. Being enabled to express my feelings openly has made me and makes the future something to be embraced rather than feared."

C Bloomfield Hornchurch
"14)Some brilliant practical tools and tips, some of which I will certainly be practising! Thank you! "

Alex Klokkaris
"From the moment Gina took to the stage our audience were transfixed. With her blend of story telling and common sense approach we were all able to take great value from the rock solid techniques and advice offered.

Gina is one of those speakers that you could listen to again and again because she communicates with honesty, passion and emotion. Gina shares her experiences and expertise readily and is incredibly generous with her time.

I suggest that anyone who has the opportunity to hear Gina speak clears their diary and books their place without delay.

I also highly recommend Gina's book 'Chariots on Fire', an incredibly accessible and useful read. Gina's renown as a specialist in Personal Empowerment and Leadership is well deserved. "

Nick Looby - Chairman Essex Business Club
"It has been a pleasure working with Gina as part of the Confident Leaders Development Programme and as our main ILM tutor she has played a vital role in the success of the programme from start to finish.

Gina's vast experience, professionalism and excellent training methods in delivering our level 2 and level 3 ILM courses have been outstanding with very positive feedback from all learners that she guided to successful completion. Her willingness and flexibility to adapt her delivery methods to the needs of the target group have been excellent in ensuring that the learners have been inspired with confidence to complete the programme and seek progression through further training opportunities.

A committed and reliable tutor, we would strongly consider using Gina's services again for any similar future training programmes."

Jahangir Khan, KETCO Training
"Gina Gardiner a phenomenal leadership speaker. Her style is practical, down to earth, present and approachable. She puts her life experience in to her language and delivery, making her material accessible and on point. Definitely a must for any leadership event."

David Liddle
"Very much enjoyed Gina's talk on building emotional and professional resilience. Gina is an inspiring and engaging speaker, I wish the session was longer as I could have listened to her all evening!

She gave a whole new meaning to the expression 'playing to our strengths' and not allowing our perceived limitations to restrict us. What makes it more special is that it all stems from Gina's own journey and challenges which gave the talk real integrity. It was great to listen to examples of how one can turn problems into stepping stones.

Some brilliant practical tools and tips, some of which I will certainly be practising! Thank you!"

Alex Klokkaris, Colchester
"Gina Gardiner is a brilliant life coach and consulting with her was the best investment I made.

She helped me enoremously to put life in perspective and find an excellent coping mechanism, to deal with the huge of amount of stress I was dealing with at the time.

She guided me through some childhood patterning that was no longer serving me well, and assisted in my biggest one of being a total workaholic.

I felt totally supported, boosted and encouraged by Gina throughout the coaching process, and in the end, I managed to transform my life. I had learnt new strategies of dealing with difficult situations and thinking much more out the box, with a solution based approach to challenges and felt so much better about myself.

All my friends could see a complete and very positive transformation in me and I am so pleased I had been recommended to Gina.

I would highly recommend Gina for all types of coaching."

Treeanna Woodess
"15) Gina is a very engaging speaker who communicates with passion, commitment and from the heart. The subject matter was extremely interesting and I would have loved to listen to her speak for much longer. I'm leaving the session feeling very positive and with several good ideas to put into action. Thank you!!! "

Clare Cracknell
"I am writing to say thank you for the business coaching we have received so far. Even after 4 sessions we are already putting your plans into action, which we find very beneficial to the growth of our company. My business partner and I found ourselves only planning in the short term, rather than looking at the bigger picture. But with your sessions we can now see what direction we need to go.

It has been a pleasure being coached by you, as you are very professional, friendly and you always make us feel at home.

We will be happy to recommend you to other business owners and will also continue to use your services in future."

Dave Fuller, GT Design & Print Ltd Shenfield
"8) Gina was a real inspiration. I'm going to put her picture on the wall to remind me not to moan - rather to get on and solve!!! "

Beverly Benson
" Gina Gardiner is not your average speaker. She is calm, present, and takes you on a journey of discovery, often about yourself that you never saw coming. I love her style, gentle, thoughtful and yet she can pack a punch when it's needed. Her talk on Radical Responsibility delivered at the Collaboration Global guest session will stay with me forever. Her wealth of experience means she has many leadership topics at her disposal, and her personal story of resilience is inspiring and uplifting for anyone who feels they have been dealt a tough hand. I admire her tenacity and grit, I'm grateful for her compassion and love. If you get to hear Gina speak I promise you the words will resonate long after the event is over, and if you take some action from those words you will see your life transform. "

Gill Tiney, Collaboration Global
"I thought I would send a short email to say how much I enjoyed the training at Wickford yesterday. I myself have often facilitated our Skills to Foster course, for prospective foster carers and, more recently as required by the CA '04 , a raising awareness campaign. This entailed doing presentations to a number of partner agencies, as well as to staff members in our own Department. I mention this only to share that I have some little insight into the world of training and presentations.

I thought that your presentation was clear, informative and relevant. Having said that, it must also be mentioned that your pitch and clarity of voice were very good, as was your interaction with all participants.

I am also grateful for the handout on Attachment and the way you related this to the subject matter.

Thank you for a very professional afternoon."

Win Escallier , Senior Practitioner, Private Fostering, Basildon
"16) Gina's approach and style were excellent, engaging, informative, inspirational, entertaining and captivated our groups attention. Thank you for providing such an insightful evening. "

Jill Knight - Jill Knight HR Consulting Colchester
"Since meeting Gina just over 2 years ago, I have come to realise what an important resource a life and executive coach is to a serial workaholic, which I have been for many years.

Gina has been at my side (metaphorically) throughout the last 2 and a half years as my life and executive coach and our relationship and her support has led to numerous life-changing experiences that, without Gina, I don't believe would have been possible.

Although I am considered to be a successful (some say high-flying) grown-up (I'm 36) and happily married, I have come to realize there are certain areas of my life that need a little (ok, maybe a lot) of attention. Relationships in my life, both personal and professional, have been challenging at times and Gina has worked with me to discover new and successful ways of approaching these challenges. Together we have identified potential new ways to behave and communicate with my team and my boss at work as well as with my parents and my husband.

Gina has been the enabler in helping me release more of my personal potential and she has taught me how to prepare for the future. In looking at the potential future in different ways, I have been able to identify new opportunities for personal and professional growth and I have had the most incredible journey.

Gina has been there at the moments in my life when I've needed the voice of reason and rational thought. She has shown me ways of dealing with life's roller-coasters by employing new strategies and new behaviours. I have developed courage and strengthened my self-confidence because of her support and guidance. She never tells me anything, she merely asks me searching questions which seem to push the right buttons and elicit responses which develop new strategies.

Leanne, Barclays Bank, Canary wharf
"I have never forgotton you and I hope you are doing well. I do the warrior, royal, (and tree), stances automatically now. It has now become innate. When I arrive at the office everyone knows about it. I talk to everyone and get on with almost everyone. I know almost everyone's name. I always greet the receptionists with a good morning and happy smile and they always say to me 'Good morning Sam!' in reply. (And I always bid them farewell at the end of the day of course). I am so confident now and I know I can do anything, the only limit I have is the one I set in my mind; and so I have set no limits!

I kept reading your General Principles For Developing Confidence, months after you gave it to us and it has been instrumental in helping me to abandon my previous negative mindset.

Thank you for everything Gina"

"Gina was a real inspiration. I'm going to put her picture on the wall to remind me not to moan - rather to get on and solve!!!"

Beverly Benson, Hadley Wood School Herts
"Gina's approach and style were excellent, engaging, informative, inspirational, entertaining and captivated our groups attention. Thank you for providing such an insiteful evening."

Jill Knight - Jill Knight HR Consulting Colchester
"Gina is truly remarkable - quite simply she saved my life and I do not exaggerate that in any way. I knew Gina, although we had never met personally and as yet still haven't, through my work running a 'virtual' office from home. Without going into detail at the beginning of 2010 a number of changes occurred the effects of which were to rip my life as I'd known it to shreds. I neither chose nor wanted any of these sudden changes.

When Gina rang me one morning it was a morning that saw me pacing my office like a caged animal in utter despair. What precisely prompted me to pick up the phone when it rang I don't know because I was distraught, hardly able to speak let alone answer the phone professionally, however, pick up the phone I did and that was the best phone call I have ever taken.

Gina stayed on the phone with me for I believe two hours. She gave me the tools to deal with the immediate distress I was in and thereafter we embarked on weekly, then fortnightly sessions to move me from the place of despair I'd found myself in to where I am now which is a very different place.

It's not been easy, choosing to learn from what has happened can be uncomfortable, painful and sad, but with Gina's help and support it's possible. We all know that bad things happen to everybody all the time, in my particular case it was the sheer number of things that happened so quickly that brought to my knees, literally. I knew I needed help and that help, in the form of Gina, found me just at the right moment.

I am so strong now and I have learnt so much about myself - some nice, and some not so nice. But the journey has been and still is fascinating.
Gina is so kind, never judgemental; she holds a safe space where you can be open and honest. Gina pushes when pushing is needed, supports when support is needed but she gets you there and you never feel like you're battling along on your own. You will make changes, you will be better, (Gina would pick me up on the word 'better' because that indicates that you were somehow bad before) your life will be different. Be prepared for some soul searching but also be prepared to find greatness because we all have greatness within us - sometimes we just forget.

I could talk about Gina forever but suffice it to say she will remain a very special person in my life. Without her - well I don't want to think about that!"

"WOW!!! Gina is an amazing story teller and my kind of gal. Her talk and the way she presents it makes so much sense. We are all changed as a result of listening to her. Thank you!!!"

Tracy Shave, Moulding Futures, Chelmsford
"12) Very much enjoyed Gina's talk on building emotional and professional resilience. Gina is an inspiring and engaging speaker, I wish the session was longer as I could have listened to her all evening! "

Commercial partner - Essex
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