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Thriving Not Surviving
Thriving Not Surviving: Personal & Spiritual Development Programme

The Thriving Not Surviving Programme is an ongoing structured learning programme to support holistic personal development, offering underpinning principles and tried and tested strategies which are easy to integrate into busy lives.

The programme facilitates your journey to consistent happiness, personal and professional success, purpose and fulfilment. On a weekly basis you have access to a videos, activity books, written resources and a themed Journal.

You determine the pace of your journey and have lifetime access to the resources which offer a toolbox of principles, strategies and techniques to help you feel great about yourself AND deal with the challenges life inevitably throws at you.

It is designed to help you achieve:
  • A consistently great sense of self worth
  • Lasting loving relationships with themselves and others
  • Ongoing personal and professional success
  • Their living their true purpose
  • A happy successful and fulfilling life
  • A fulfilling and abundant life
Core themes include:
Pathway 1: Confidence and Self Belief
Lack of confidence and self-worth are currently at epidemic proportions.
Pathway 2: Love And Relationships
Being loved and loving others is at the heart of most people's desires.
Pathway 3: Achieving Sustained Success - Personal and Professional
There is no one definition of success.
Pathway 4: Dealing With Changes And Transitions In Your Life With Ease
Everything you do is a choice.
Pathway 5 Purpose And Fulfilment
There comes a time in many people's life when they look around and say to themselves, ""I have all the trappings of success but I feel there is something missing" How can you find find the secret to your fulfilment?

Fulfilment comes from living a life of purpose, this is different for every individual.
Cost and Booking
Cost $997 Covid Deal $497.
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