Thriving Not Surviving: Personal & Spiritual Development ProgrammeThe Thriving Not Surviving Programme is an ongoing structured learning programme to support holistic personal development, offering underpinning principles and tried and tested strategies which are easy to integrate into busy lives.
The programme facilitates your journey to consistent happiness, personal and professional success, purpose and fulfilment. On a weekly basis you have access to a videos, activity books, written resources and a themed Journal.
You determine the pace of your journey and have lifetime access to the resources which offer a toolbox of principles, strategies and techniques to help you feel great about yourself AND deal with the challenges life inevitably throws at you.
It is designed to help you achieve:
- A consistently great sense of self worth
- Lasting loving relationships with themselves and others
- Ongoing personal and professional success
- Their living their true purpose
- A happy successful and fulfilling life
- A fulfilling and abundant life
Core themes include: Pathway 1: Confidence and Self Belief
Lack of confidence and self-worth are currently at epidemic proportions.
More and more people are struggling to deal with the challenges life inevitably brings, feeling that they don't measure up, fit in or deserve success. Those limiting beliefs have the power to destroy any chance of lasting loving relationships, personal or professional success, happiness and wellbeing unless they are challenged. Sadly many people go through their lives without challenging the beliefs which keep them from stepping into the power that self-belief brings.
As tiny children, we have the confidence and determination to try new things and to keep trying until we succeed. Just watch a baby learning to walk. Failure is not an option. They are certainly not worried if their bottoms look fat in their nappies. They are too busy being curious, exploring the world and trying new things.
What you believe becomes your reality. Your beliefs underpin every choice, every action and emotion you feel throughout your life. Most people live their lives based on beliefs which were created whilst they were very young. They don't recognise which beliefs are running their lives and rarely if ever question whether those beliefs are indeed true or being helpful. The result is that many people are living a life beset with the limitations their beliefs impose on them.
The programme helps you to examine how beliefs can empower or destroy any chance of ongoing success and look at how those beliefs can be transformed.
Holding beliefs which support confidence and self-worth is paramount if you want
to be happy and successful or to be able to create loving, inter- dependent relationships.
Your beliefs determine whether you will succeed or fail in love, at work and in life. They impact on how effectively you deal with the challenges life throws at you, they govern how well you deal with stress and anxiety. Your beliefs affect how affluent you will be and the level of abundance you will experience throughout your life.
Given how powerful they are it is vital that you ensure you have beliefs which underpin your success and happiness rather than allow the beliefs which limit you to remain unchecked. Knowing what your beliefs are is just the starting point. Knowing how to change those beliefs and incorporate the new ones them into your daily life easily gives you the power to choose the quality of your life.
We will share some tried and tested strategies which have given others great results so you too can feel empowered and live a successful, abundant life. ..
Pathway 2: Love And Relationships
Being loved and loving others is at the heart of most people's desires.
It is the stuff which sells millions of books, films and songs. The reality for many is anything but the "Happy Ever After" fairy story we read as kids.
Learning to love yourself wobbly bits and all is the starting point. Every relationship you have with others is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. If you like who you are and treat yourself well, you will expect others to do the same. The opposite is also true. If you have poor self-worth you will accept others, treating you badly.
Within the programme we explore how you can create a consistently loving relationship with yourself, how you can become your own best friend and how that can translate into creating positive relationships with partners, parents, children, family, friends, colleagues and your boss.
So many of the clients I've worked with as individuals and couples, start working with me because they are unhappy in love. Learning to take responsibility for your own emotional wellbeing is a vital component to sustained success in love. Just as important is changing old patterns of destructive behaviour and letting go of old hurts from the past. I never cease to be amazed at the power of implementing these three things in creating ongoing success in love.
We share with you approaches which have been proven to work. They are simple and easy to incorporate into daily living. It is important to recognise you are the common denominator in your life. You take yourself into EVERY situation, minute by minute throughout your life.
Having a great relationship with yourself will have a profound effect on the quality of every aspect of your life. You are the creator of the script to your own life story, together we can help you ensure that the part you write for yourself is the hero or heroine and not the victim or bit part...
Pathway 3: Achieving Sustained Success - Personal and Professional
There is no one definition of success.
Each of us has our own definition of what success means to us. That definition may change over time and may be affected by all sorts of external influences. Understanding what your goals are, why they are important to you and having a plan to achieve them gives you the best chance of lasting success. Yet you would
be surprised at how many people struggle to identify what they want to achieve. It is common for people to know what they don't want. They can often describe that in great detail, yet when you ask the same people what they do want, they struggle to define exactly what they want and why.
The reasons for this are varied. In my experience, they fall into a number of different categories:
Those who fear failure.
This can be based on the: "If I don't try I won't fail," style of thinking. There seems little point in their thinking beyond avoiding failure. The reality of failure becomes a done deal. I believe the only true failure is the failure to give something your best shot. Failure is nothing to be frightened of, it gives us an opportunity to learn, to refine and grow. We learn little when success comes easily.
People who fear what other's will think of them if they fail. Here the thinking is likely to be along the following lines: If I fail others will think badly of me. If they think badly of me, I will lose face, I will not be liked. My status within the family, friendship, team etc will be reduced. I will no longer belong. They fear rejection.
Those Who Fear Success.
You may be surprised at how often this is the case. Success may bring with it certain expectations and responsibilities. Some feel worried they may be unable to sustain their success. Then what will people think? Other people choose to say stuck where they are, because they fear others will think them boastful or arrogant if they succeed. They fear that they will not be as welcome within their family or friendship group if they succeed. They fear rejection.
Those Who Stay Stuck Because They Don't Know What To Do, To Succeed
I've met a number of people who stay stuck where they are because they cannot see from the start, exactly what they need to do to ensure success. They may be fearful that they may do the wrong thing and appear foolish or simply be overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge.
The paradox is when you meet highly successful people they have a couple of things in common. Firstly, the absolute belief that they will succeed. Secondly they may not know how to go about creating success from the start BUT they know they will find a way. They see failure as a stop along the way to success. It is merely an opportunity to learn how to do things even better.
Those Who Get Stuck In The Quick Sands Of 'Trying' Or In The Need For It To Be Perfect
So many of us get completely stuck in the business of convincing themselves they are trying when in reality they are not actually doing anything - it has simply become an illusion. Just as limiting is when the need for things to be perfect leads to procrastination and a sense of failure before things have even got started. Aiming for excellence is of course a worthwhile goal but learning that as a starting point "good enough" gets things going. Then it is easy to refine, adjust and make things "even better". Great masters developed and honed their skills over time - and so will you - if you get started and keep working at your goal.
Remember - Success or failure starts with you - how you think, what you believe and the actions you are prepared to take. If you want a different result you have to take action. It is the small actions consistently taken over time rather than the grand gesture which makes the difference. ..Pathway 4: Dealing With Changes And Transitions In Your Life With Ease
Everything you do is a choice.
What you say and do, when and how you say or do it and in what you leave undone. Every choice has consequences. Not choosing is also a choice, it is often in those situations where you allow things to drift or for others to make your decisions for you, that the consequences are most far reaching and not always in a good way.
As we go through life each of us will go through several transitions and changes. The list is never ending: child to adult, puberty, student to professional, single to partner, becoming a parent, promotion, demotion, redundancy, menopause, children leaving home, retirement, illness, disability, bereavement are just the tip of the iceberg. Every life event brings with it challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.
Einstein's definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Yet we all do it. We try harder, longer, more frequently and end up going nowhere. Recognising when things are not working and making active choices to approach things in a different, more mindful, empowered way is one of the secrets to achieving happiness, success and fulfilment.
It is not the challenges that define you but the way in which you deal with them. It is really tricky negotiating your way through life's trials and tribulations and doing it on your own makes it feel way harder. Many of my clients say they don't want to burden their close family and friends, or they fear they will be judged negatively.
Change is a constant in our lives. Despite changes and transitions being such an integral at of our lives many people find dealing with the challenges life brings incredibly difficult to deal with. The resulting stress is destructive to health and wellbeing and can have a far-reaching impact on the quality not only on their lives but on the lives of their loved ones and their work colleagues.
Learn how to manage the changes and transitions which life offers more easily and with confidence in this taster session...
Pathway 5 Purpose And Fulfilment
There comes a time in many people's life when they look around and say to themselves, ""I have all the trappings of success but I feel there is something missing" How can you find find the secret to your fulfilment?
Fulfilment comes from living a life of purpose, this is different for every individual.
True fulfilment comes from seeing yourself as a spiritual being at one with The Creator, Universal Energy, with God. It emanates from the sense of belonging, of seeing the similarities rather than the differences between yourself and others, of knowing that the way in which you care for yourself, others and the Earth itself, really matters.
To achieve fulfilment, it is important to take responsibility for your spiritual growth. Recognising you are a spiritual being with a life purpose is a vital if you are to find the amazing satisfaction and happiness which comes from knowing you are fulfilling your true purpose in life. Learning to be a human being rather than a human doing is important. A sense of contribution, making a difference, leaving a legacy are phrases which many of my clients have used as they have achieved their sense of purpose and the joy which comes with it.
What will your legacy be? If you were writing your own eulogy what would it say now? What would you like it to say? Only you can make the changes which will make the difference.
Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. You can't change the past but you sure as hell can change your present and your future.
You are on the most amazing journey called life. Navigating your way to happiness, success and fulfilment and making the very best of every day, making a positive difference starts with your stepping into being your genuine - best self.
The programme consists of a comprehensive compendium of videos , activities and reading. The programme is designed to support you through your journey to happiness success and fulfilment. Videos, activities and a themed Intentional Journal take you step by step on a journey of self-discovery helping you to feel more confident and develop a great sense of self worth so you can achieve and sustain greater happiness, success and fulfilment...
Cost $997 Covid Deal $497.