Enlightened Leadership VIP INTENSIVE In A BOX
There is no doubt that every business leader is focused on creating a high level of profitability. Without profits, no business can survive to serve the needs of their customers, pay their staff and suppliers and invest in their staff. Without profits developments and ongoing growth withers and the company fails.
Many leaders consider their profits exclusively in terms of the company bank balance and in doing so are fundamentally missing out on the 'Conscious Profits' which are available to profitable enlightened leaders.
Let me explain…
Those leaders who focus only on the financial profitability of their company may see a short term rise in their bottom line but it will have been achieved at great cost to the people involved and is completely unsustainable in the medium to long term. Lack of staff engagement, motivation and creativity, high levels of stress, burnout, anxiety, conflict and drama, depression, poor professional relationships, absenteeism and presenteism and difficulty in retaining the ablest staff are just some of the costs which are directly associated with this approach.
Leaders who focus on creating profits 'consciously' in an enlightened way reap the huge benefits such an approach offers. Engaging in a holistic approach to business means truly valuing the staff, the customers, the environment and their profits. Everyone benefits from this approach; staff feel valued, fully engaged and enthusiastic. They want to contribute to achieving success for the business. They are committed to the business 'WHY" they have shared values and can therefore feel proud of their work and the company. They are ready to work together to create a positive impact on the company and the world.
Creating and maintaining a consciously profitable business in the 'new normal' requires a very different sort of leader.
A leader who has: