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Are you one of the many Empaths and Light Workers who are caught between a rock and a hard place? Do you feel you have a strong sense of purpose which is about bringing light and hope and to making a positive difference to others? Are you finding it hard to manage the challenges of delivering your purpose AND being able to live an abundant life yourself? You are not alone!

Many Light Workers and Empaths struggle financially because they have bought into the myth that being involved in the 'spiritual' world means you have to do everything for free or for a little. This often results in clients thriving in every sense of the world whilst the person who has facilitated their growth and success is left struggling to make ends meet or having to do a day job to make ends meet.

If this resonates with you it is time to do something about it as Light Workers and Empaths have a significant role to play in the evolution the human race and their gifts are very much needed NOW. Lack of resources is holding so many Empaths and Light Workers from fulfilling their divine destiny - it doesn't need to be like that.

This self-study programme is designed to help you to:
  • Understand the magnitude of your divine purpose
  • Realise the power of being well resourced
  • Recognise the things which are holding you back from achieving ongoing success and abundance
  • Identifying the way forward
  • The 10 Steps to achieving the abundance and success you desire
  • Identify specific approaches to serve others and create consistent abundance for you and resources to support the delivery of your purpose
This programme is designed to help you develop your success as an Empath in business

The series costs £45 $60 Click here to purchase
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